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Why Is Road Rage So Dangerous?

Published on Aug 7, 2018 at 3:39 pm in Car Accidents.

Something about driving can bring out the worst in people. They may think the person in front of them is going too slow, they may be frustrated at the bumper-to-bumper traffic, or they may be late for something so they react irrationally if anyone gets in their way on the road. They could be in a generally bad mood, exhausted, or angry at another driver for cutting them off or failing to yield. This can lead to drivers becoming aggressive and cause serious safety issues on the road. It’s commonly known as road rage.

If you’ve been in a car accident caused by someone who was driving aggressively, you don’t deserve to cover all the costs on your own because you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s important to remember that you have legal options. A Chicago car accident lawyer from Krzak Rundio Gorman, Injury Attorneys can help you with your claim. You could recover compensation for pain and suffering, past and future medical expenses, past and future lost wages, and property damage.

What Do People with Road Rage Do?

When you’re on the road, you need to be vigilant and aware of other drivers. If another driver is exhibiting any of these behaviors, they may be experiencing road rage.

  • Speeding.
  • Yelling.
  • Yelling or Screaming.
  • Traffic Weaving.
  • Repeated Honking.

People who are experiencing road rage may also act with extreme violence. This could include:

  • Purposefully Hitting Other Cars.
  • Exiting and Yelling at the Other Driver.
  • Attacking the Other Driver.

A driver experiencing road rage is endangering other drivers and is disrupting the flow of traffic. If they continue to drive aggressively, you should not engage them.  Instead, pull over and inform the police. Knowing the license plate or at least the make and model of the car can assist the police in finding the enraged, dangerous driver.

An Extreme Case of Road Rage

In June 2018, a 23-year-old man named Jeremy Webster is alleged to have shot and killed a teenage boy and injure three other people.  Reports say he was experiencing road rage.  This occurrence is reported to have occurred in a parking lot in Westminster, Colorado.  The alleged driver is facing first-degree murder and many other charges, including attempted first-degree murder, violent crime, and extreme indifference.

Media accounts say that after heated encounter with the victim’s mother in traffic, Webster followed the car until it pulled into the parking lot for a children’s dentist’s office. Webster is reported to have parked in the middle of the parking lot and to have continued to argue with the victim’s mother.  He is then alleged to have pulled out a Glock 19 and shot her, her children, and a bystander. The mother and other child are still in critical condition. Police arrested Webster three hours later when he was driving home to Colorado Springs.

While there is also alleged evidence that the shooter had mental health issues and was on new medication, road rage is still a major trigger for people and it makes them do horrible and dangerous things.

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