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6 Tips for Staying Safe While Boating

Published on Jun 28, 2018 at 3:51 pm in Boating Accidents.

Summertime brings a lot of opportunities for outside activities for those in Chicago. Many will take advantage of the warm weather and enjoy an outing on Lake Michigan. Boating is a fantastic way to spend a sunny Saturday basking in the sun or a weekday evening viewing the amazing Chicago skyline or the fabulous fireworks displays at Navy Pier on a Wednesday or Saturday night.  However, those who are going should know the risks and take certain precautions to stay safe.

Boating accidents can cause devastating injuries or death. If you or a loved one has been injured in a boating accident, a Chicago boating accident lawyer from Krzak Rundio Gorman, Injury Attorneys can help you with your claim. Your injuries can be life-changing and result in substantial medical care and may even  keep you from working. We’ll work hard to assure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

What Are Some Common Safe Boating Tips?

There are a few boating rules you should follow to stay safe. The dangers of operating a boat without considering safety could result in someone falling overboard, the boat tipping over, or colliding with  another boat, a breaker or land.

  • Always Wear Life Jackets. Even though most people can swim, you never know what can happen if you’re in a boating accident. An injury could prevent you from treading water or swimming to land. Life jackets will keep you afloat where you can be seen and rescued.
  • Check the Weather. Know the weather ahead of time. Monitor the weather if you are out for a long day. You don’t want to be caught in the middle of a lake when a thunderstorm rolls in. You may also want to get an idea of the water temperature. While hypothermia isn’t as much of a risk in the summer, a brief cool period or rain can lower water temperature. You may reconsider going on the water when it’s too cold to enjoy.
  • Give Your Boat a Tune-Up. Before getting your boat on the water, take an afternoon to check your boat and make sure it’s ready for summer. Pay a professional to winterize and summarize your boat. Taking care of the engine, steering controls, and testing the mechanical and electrical functions of the boat will let you take it out with confidence.  The worst place to find out there is a problem is  you’re out on the water.
  • Leave Alcohol at Home. It’s illegal to operate a vehicle while under the influence. Don’t drink before or during your time on the boat. Alcohol will impair your ability to safely operate the boat. The conditions of boating usually include hot weather and a glaring sun, which makes you more susceptible to the affects of alcohol. Also, stay hydrated and make sure those with you are staying properly hydrated.
  • Take A Boater’s Safety Course. The Coast Guard determined in 2015 that most boating accident fatalities occurred on boats where the operator didn’t take a boating safety course. If you’re a new boat owner, consider taking a safety course to get a solid foundation of boating expertise. This can reduce the chances of you making an error while operating the boat. There are safety courses online, which are extremely informative and user-friendly.
  • Remain alert and vigilant of other boaters and water users – Operating a boat on a busy lake is a big responsibility. Always look out for other boats and water-users.  A momentary lapse of attention can result in a fatal accident.  Stay off of your phone and don’t be distracted by others in your boat.

When you prepare and think ahead of your outings on a boat, you’re increasing everyone’s safety and lessening the chances of a horrible accident happening. Education , good safety procedures and staying alert will give you peace of mind that your afternoon will be enjoyable and safe.

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